Philadelphia Discrimination Lawyers
Pay Disparity
Pay disparity, also known as wage discrimination, is an ongoing problem in American business. Employers that pay different wages to employees doing the same job are unlawfully engaging in wage discrimination. At Sidney L. Gold & Associates, we are committed to ensuring that women, minorities, and all employees receive the same compensation as others doing the same job.
An employer that pays a man more than a woman for the same job, or only promotes a certain race of people to the top positions in a company, is guilty of pay disparity. All employees in a company have the right to bring a class action or individual lawsuit against their employers who engage in wage discrimination. Our employment lawyers in Philadelphia are committed to ending pay disparity and we use our extensive knowledge and experience in Pennsylvania employment law to successfully represent our clients.
For more information on pay disparity, contact the Philadelphia employment law firm of Sidney L. Gold & Associates at 215-569-1999, or complete our online contact form.